Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hello. My name is Sarah, and I'm a television addict.

Ok, it sounds totally ridiculous, but I have to tell you it's true. I've been feeling very blue about how I've been basing my life on what is on television. I knew I watched it a lot, but didn't realize how much of a real issue it was until my four year old son, Aidan started reciting my television "playlist". That was when I realized that I have it on all day long and my child expects it to be this way.

I have this list of goals that I want to achieve, and they will never be completed if I don't make some serious changes. For the month of February I will not watch television. My family has made a pact. No tv except for workout dvds and one movie a week. This will be very interesting.

Stay tuned!


  1. (One week later...)

    Hello. My name is Sarah, and I'm an iPod addict. I have earbuds in my ears all day long...

    j/k ;)

    Good luck! I know when I turned the TV off this month, I plowed through 3 books. Didn't take the month off from the tube, but I turned it off if there wasn't anything I was just dying to watch.

    Best wishes! Keep your readers posted.

  2. thanks phillip. I actually haven't listened to music except in my car. And haven't increased my time on the computer. I'll keep my one reader posted ;)


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